synchronize clipboards in opensuse 12.3

Installed a Opensuse 12.3 with Lxde as a guest os in vmware player 6.0.2 within an Opensuse 13.1 Host.

clipboard synchronization between the Host OS and the Guest OS is broken.

It seems to be an issue of host system. Linux uses different primay and secondary clipboard manager, i need to synchronize them all with “autocutsel”. After installed autocutsel this problem seems to be solved.

It seems to be an host kernel based issue. The copy of the same guest os is working well on another host.



custom the min-max-button in gnome 3 terminal

After installing the gnome 3 for my opensuse 13.1 the minimize and maximize button is missing by defaut.

Start the gnome tweak tool in your system terminal with your current user (not root)

$: gnome-tweak-tool &

choose -> Windows -> Titlebar Buttons -> Maximize and Minimize : on

This is also the way to enable icons on Desktop,

choose -> Desktop -> icons on Desktop : on

My system kernel : Linux VI3LINUX2 3.11.10-11-desktop


change default user name in eclipse

sometimes i am not satisfied with the shown default user Name in eclipse, while using the @author tag.

added following line to your eclipse.ini file in your linux system and restart your eclipse. Musterman

for more infos about setting under windows env- please see